Monday, November 24, 2008

Oddservation #1 “Today you will be playing the role of….”

Burlington Coat Factory is one of the stores I like to frequent here in Lubbock to look for great deals on jewelry or clothes. I often just go in, browse a while, and leave empty-handed but relieved that there is nothing new and wonderful in there that I don’t know about. A couple of weeks ago I went in and started browsing the jewelry as it is the first thing you see when you walk in the door.

I was checking out a rack of mostly hideous earrings when a couple of fellow shoppers’ conversation caught my attention. They looked to be around 22 years old or so, both white, she was chubby and he was gay. Chubby girls and gay men make such great teams. I’m well familiar with this pairing but in this instance it seemed like she thought he was her boyfriend and he thought that he was a professional, paid stylist to the stars. It was so odd that I had to eavesdrop for a while.

“What do you think of these honey?” she said.
“Well that just depends…which belt were you planning to wear?” he said.
“I don’t know. What about this…in a pink maybe?”
“Oh yeah…that would be awesome!”
“Now I’m not too sure about the silver because I’ve already got those hoops and…”
“Yeah you might want to go for something a little different that really pops.”
“So if you got these two, you could really match them up with all kinds of colors. Like what about that yellow scarf with these!?”
“Oh definitely….I just worry about the size.”
“I don’t think it would be a problem really”
“Ooooo look at these honey!”

And on and on it went. These two were not just casually shopping. This chubby girl and her gay pretend boyfriend had a serious agenda. I was so intrigued by the concentration they were giving this jewelry for some reason.

More than the way they were shopping, I was really perplexed about the relationship between them. The way she called him honey in every other sentence and placed her hand on his back as he admired the jewelry would indicate that she had somehow missed out on the fact that this guy was as gay as Christmas and she was just out shopping with her loving man who cared so much about her that he would help her pick out jewelry to accentuate her beauty which he admired so much. Other girls would be so jealous if they knew how much her man loved her! The way that he meticulously poured over this jewelry pointing out every little shimmering detail suggested that he had mentally transported himself into Versace and he was assisting his number one A-list celebrity client.

These two friends were out together shopping and they seemed to be side-by-side with one goal in mind but as an observer I saw that they were actually in two different worlds, each of them using the other as an actor in their fantasy whether they knew it or not.

The strangest part of this whole thing was what happened right before I walked away. A couple who looked to be in their mid-fifties walked up to the “couple” who were shopping and the woman said to them “come on guys, it’s time to go”. Who was this woman and why was she telling these two grown people it was time to go as if they were 12??? I spent the rest of my time shopping trying to figure out who these people were and what roles they played in one another’s lives, both in reality and in their imaginations.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Frustration #1: IBS-RH

Attention all ignorant, backwards, self-righteous hicks, or IBS-RH, lend me your inbred ears! I am a music teacher in a small town with a school that houses pre-school through 12th grade students. As a music teacher, I have interaction with every grade level and get to know most of the students pretty well. I keep things very “real” with my kids and do everything I can to make them feel welcome and comfortable in my presence. Because of this rapport I have with these kids, I hear a lot of their thoughts on many different subjects. In the recent presidential election period I heard more disturbing falsehoods than you can imagine.

I began to realize how brainwashed these little bumpkins were the day we had a Mock Election here at the school. All of the students got the chance to vote and they were so excited for this opportunity for their parents and teachers opinions to be heard. Patriotic tunes such as Whitney Houston’s rendition of the Star Spangled Banner streamed over the speakers as they stood in line with their little orange registration cards at the polls down the hallway from my room.

Always one to get into the mix of things where my students are concerned, I walked out several times to see how things were going and to chat with the kids while they waited their turn. The more I talked with them, the more disturbed I became. “Who are you voting for Miss!?” was the first thing each one wanted to know. Their little faces were so lit up as they anticipated my answer of “McCain of course!!!” and then we would all jump up and down in racist glee. My responses varied from “that’s private” to “I would be happy with either candidate”. The disappointment was obvious as their smiles would fade away for a nanosecond until something or someone else caught their attention.

The kids all seemed pretty passionate about this election and not just because kids are easily excitable. No…they were passionate about it because if we didn’t elect McCain as president, the world would be blown to bits by a terroristic anti-Christ. It didn’t help that this terroristic, anti-Christ was black but even they had the good sense not to say that aloud. I would be passionate too if I were them!

Kids are so sure of themselves too! I never heard one of their preposterous statements introduced with an “I heard that…” or an “I think that…”. It was all 100% facts handed down from God himself. “Obama is going to blow up the world if he’s president”. “Obama is a Muslin”. I assumed they meant Muslim and not a type of cotton fabric.

“Obama put that other guy in prison” was especially shocking to me because I had no idea that it was OBAMA that imprisoned John McCain. All this time the Vietnamese have been taking the blame for something a maniacal little 6 year old boy did! I believe Barack was already living in Indonesia by this time so the shear will that it took for him to travel all the way to Vietnam, put the beatdown on an American soldier, and hold him captive for 5 years took a special kind of evil that I or my students wanted no part of!

The list goes on and on. The final votes were McCain 154,
Obama 45, and Barr 3. I don’t know who these 45 children were who voted for Obama but none of them have ever spoken up to my knowledge, and for good reason. I wouldn’t be surprised to look out my classroom window one day and see a good old-fashion hangin’ from the monkey bars of a child with a sign posted on him saying “Nigre Luvr”.

Here is where I feel I must address the ignorant, backwards, self-righteous hicks of the world. Please stop spreading lies to your children. I know that you loooove making babies and I know that you love for your babies to be little spitting images of you but please…STOP. Stop making babies all together if you can but at the very least stop sharing your opinions on the world with them. Although they were born into your life, God willing they will be able to escape it in about 18 years and find that the world has so much more to offer.

I realize that asking you to stop believing everything you hear with no substantial evidence may be a bit much to ask but could you please not spoon feed the crap to your kids? To your children, you ARE the newspaper, you ARE CNN, and you ARE a trustworthy source of information as scary as this is to the rest of us looking on in complete horror. Anything you tell them is tried and true and once those ideas are planted they are VERY hard to uproot.

I know that I am screaming at the wall here because if social responsibility were a factor in your life, the child in question probably wouldn’t be in existence in the first place but I digress.

Ok so Election Day rolls around and I was so excited to finally have this election behind us and move forward. I honestly felt that either candidate would do a better job than what we have witnessed for the past 8 years so I was happy either way. Yes I preferred one over the other but I honestly was just thrilled to elect someone new into office and stop hearing about the campaign 24/7. I showed up to work on November 5th full of new hope quickly to have it replaced with frustrated despair.

I occasionally have what we at my school call “Rat Patrol”. This is where I show up to school at 7:45 and hold all of the children hostage in a gym for 30 minutes until the bell rings. There are always a few kids who beat me there so I was immediately bombarded with comments and questions about our newly elected President. “Did you hear the news!?” they would say with snarled up noses looking like someone had crapped in their shoes. I like to play dumb a lot of times with the kids I’d just rather not talk to so I replied with “No. Did I hear what?”. “Obama got President”. Once again their faces told me that there was a predicted reaction that I was supposed to give them. “What!? No! Not him!” and we would all roll around the floor vomiting and crying for the loss of our dear planet or something along those lines. When I actually responded with a smile, the looks I received back were deadly. It was as if they just found out their beloved music teacher was also a Muslin, God-hating, terrorist.

The most disturbing thing of all was that most of their misinformation was given to them by a teacher at our school! WHAT!? I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised but this made me sick. A TEACHER of all people, the most trusted source of information for children, was telling them that the new leader of the free world wanted us all dead. It took all of my control not to write an email to the entire staff about this issue. I am not a native to their village so it wouldn’t be wise for me to speak out even if it were for the good of the children. I had to get out my frustration somehow so I typed them out and deleted it which actually made me feel better. That was why I decided to start a blog. I highly doubt any IBS-RH will be reading this and if they do, they will have no idea I’m speaking to them so I don’t actually expect it to make a difference but I sure feel better. Thanks for reading!

Blog about Blog

I’ve decided it’s time to start a blog. While I realize that most people who are interested in blogging have already had one for 2 or 8 years, I’ve decided that it’s not too late and I’m ready to join the ranks of “people who wish other people would care about what they have to say” and/or the “please for the love of God someone give me some attentioners”. I like to think that I am neither of those but simply someone who needs another creative outlet but for all I know a shrink may say otherwise if asked. A shrink will not be asked.

I do not keep a journal because I have a problem thinking that my personal thoughts and feelings could be so accessible to anyone but myself so I choose to keep those tucked away in my head. I have a visual of my diary being found after I’m dead and completely misinterpreted by my family or friends as I float nearby in ghostly form screaming silent screams “noooo that’s not what I meaaaannntttt!” to no avail.

I think that says a lot about my personality. One, I don’t open up with my feelings to just anyone, and two, it is very, very important to me that I am correctly understood. I’m all about truth…the heart of the matter….the meat and potatoes of the world. I don’t intend to break tradition now and start spilling out my guts for the world to read (world = 7 or 8 people?) but I do think I would enjoy a new forum to state observations, frustrations, simple pleasures, personal epiphanies, etc. In fact I think I will title each entry under such headings. Frustration #1 or Simple Pleasure #4.

I would love it a few people WERE interested in reading and giving commentary on what I had to say otherwise its just masturbation via blogging. Bloggerbation. (I think I just came up with the name of my blog!) The more the merrier, I say. Let’s have a blorgie!

With that said, I’m going to go type up the entry that spurred this blog in the first place; “Frustration #1: Ignorant, Backwards, Self-Righteous Hicks”